Ashley and Ken Kingsley.
Ashley Kingsley was a student at Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio, with plans to go to medical school when the Covid-19 pandemic changed everything.
“The pandemic hit and totally took my life off track,” said Ashley. “I finished my undergraduate studies with a degree in Biology, and while my intention was to go to medical school, I decided to take a break from school and try something different.”
In December 2021, Ashley packed up her life and moved to Las Vegas. She took an hourly job as a supervisor in a fitness facility but was having trouble making ends meet.
She needed a new job and wasn’t sure what that could be so she turned to a person she knew could help her… her father: Ken Kingsley, Senior Manager, Maintenance Control at Atlas.
Ken started with Atlas in 2016 in Maintenance Control. In his role, he oversees the maintenance of Atlas’ entire fleet, ensuring the safety and compliance of all aircraft. It’s a challenging role but one that is also rewarding to him.
“I think Atlas is the coolest airline in the world!” said Ken. “Ashley is a smart kid, and I knew she could do any job she set her mind to and have a fulfilling career with our company. Atlas was hiring for a variety of roles, and I recommended her.”
Ashley interviewed with Atlas and landed a job as a Loadmaster shortly after. Although she did not have a background in aviation, she knew about the industry from watching her dad over the years and was eager to learn. She spent the first nine months training in Puerto Rico during peak season.
“It was a phenomenal experience to get to train in Puerto Rico,” said Ashley. “It exposed me to a new culture and gave me hands-on experience right away. I have a lot of job satisfaction in this role. It’s a rewarding industry with so much responsibility. I have learned so much over my last few years with Atlas. This career was not one I planned but one I now know I was meant to have.”
Her father couldn’t be happier that she has joined him at Atlas.
“I’m so proud that Ashley is here. I have five other children, and I don’t know if the rest of them will go into aviation, but it’s great to know that Ashley has come on board and is enjoying her job.”
While Ashley and Ken don’t cross paths often on the job, their communication over the phone is better than ever.
“It’s helpful to know someone on the maintenance side,” Ashley said. “It makes me feel comfortable either providing or asking for information that I need to relay to the pilots.”
Ashley’s favorite job perk is traveling to places she never would have seen before.
“I’ve been to Hong Kong, South Korea, Germany, Japan, Alaska and Guam. I’m not sure if I ever would have ventured to any of those places on my own, so it was amazing to get to see them.”
For Ashley, the job not only gives her the opportunity to learn and travel to new places, but also allows her to spend more time with her family, who live outside of CVG.
“When I moved to Las Vegas, I was in a different time zone and far away from home, so I wasn’t seeing my family as much,” said Ashley. “Now, whenever I fly to CVG, I stop by my family’s home to see everyone. I also think working at the same company as my father has strengthened our relationship. We are closer now than ever.”