Tony Carter, Atlas’ Production Control Analyst, founded The CMSgt Joleen Dunavin Foundation, in response to the tremendous legacy his sister Joleen left behind.
Chief Master Sergeant (CMSgt) Joleen Dunavin, a 26-year distinguished veteran of the United States Air Force recently passed away after a valiant fight with breast cancer.
The mission of the charity is to “pay it forward” and support charities important to Joleen. The charity’s first event was the First Annual CMSgt Joleen Dunavin Memorial Golf Tournament on behalf of the Foundation to raise money for The Healing Warriors Program, a nonprofit clinic that provides non-narcotic care services to Veterans and their families. The inaugural event took place on August 19 at PrairieView Golf Club in Bryon, Illinois.
CMSgt Joleen Dunavin
“The Foundation and the Golf Tournament both serve as a way for me to create something that I can attach Joleen’s name to, and have her legacy live on,” said Tony. “I always looked up to her; I can’t put into words how extraordinary she was.”
Growing up, leadership and excellence was in Joleen’s DNA.
“In school, she excelled in both academics and athletics,” said Tony. “Joleen received a full scholarship to DePaul University in Chicago to run track but decided to pursue a different calling and enlisted in the United States Air Force (USAF).”
Joleen’s exemplary military career was marked by a myriad of service awards, meritorious medals and commendations. In addition to her many accomplishments, she completed her career as a Chief Master Sergeant, a rank that a mere 1% of service members attain.
“Tony has worked so hard to get a lot of people involved,” said Michael Carter, Joleen and Tony’s father and Director of Line Maintenance for Asia, Australia, Alaska and Hawaii. “It’s been amazing to watch him honor his sister.”
Atlas employees hit the links to support Tony and his family.
Tony added, “Joleen’s compassionate and selfless nature will continue to serve as an inspiration to all those who knew her and loved her. All we can do is cherish the memories and live more like she did. The world was a better place with her in it and given all the lives she’s touched; it will continue to be.”
“I’m very proud the Atlas family was there to be a part of the event,” said Lillian Dukes, Senior Vice President, Technical Operations. “It was very clear that Joleen was quite a special person and has left a lasting impact on those who knew her.”
Click here to donate to The CMSgt Joleen Dunavin Foundation.